- Magellan Health - https://www.magellanhealth.com -

Publications Module


Note: before using the publication module it is important to have prepared the following items:

  • Upload all documents (PDFs, etc.) to the document library (follow instructions here)
  • If using preprogrammed icons, ensure that you have uploaded icons to the central library in Site Options. (Contact your Admin if this is not available in your sidebar)
  • Ensure that you are using the correct color scheme for your site. (This is something that would only come up during the initial build of the site – if you are adding a module to an existing site, ignore this step.)

Adding a Publications Module


1. Add Module – Publications List to your page (Click Add Module button or the “+” icon)

2. If you would like to add an introductory text above your publications list, click the ‘Text above List’ switch so that it is blue. Add content to the text box that appears and format as in the free text module. If you do not wish to add text here, skip to the next step.

3. Choose List type. You can orient your list to be one column or three column. You can change this at any time.

4. If pinning an item, you can give that item a title (For example, “New this month”). If not pinning an item or if choosing not to title your pinned content, skip this step.

5. Add a title for your list. This step is optional.

6. Add an item to your list:

In the Content Tab

Add a Date Label (Note this can be a date or a label such as “eBook” or “Presentation”).

Choose if you would like to pin your item to the top of the list. Click the button until it is blue if you would like to pin. Ignore this button if not.

Give your item a title

Add content about your document and format as in the free text module.

Give your download link a title. Example: “Download”, “Click to download”, etc.

Choose the type of link and add it:

Document Link: Type the name of your document in the ‘document link’ field. Click on it to add the link.

Page Link: Type the name of your page in the ‘Page link’ field. Click on it to add the link

URL: Past the URL for your destination link in the ‘URL’ Field

Choose your link icon from the list for the appropriate type of document.

If adding more than one link/document, click ‘Add Link’

Repeat steps to add another link.

In the Imagery Tab

If Using a Thumbnail:

Click the “Thumbnail” option button so that it is blue

Click “Add Image”

Choose image from library or add image to your library from your files

If Using a Preset Image:

Click the “Preset icon/color” option button so that it is blue

Choose the background by picking from the ‘Preset Color Select’ list)

Choose the icon from the ‘Publication Item Icon Select’ list)

7. Click ‘Add Item’ to add your next item

8. Repeat step 6 for each additional item

9. Click ‘Publish’/’Update’ to make your changes live.